Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sunday visit to the Sigatoga branch

We had a wonderful experience today. Another missionary couple(she is the mission nurse) is assigned to a small branch on Sundays that is about 80 miles out of Suva. They have invited couples to go with them and visit the branch. So we left with them at about 7:00 am so we could get to the meeting for a 9:30am start. We packed a lunch and off we went. Beautiful ride out but you can't travel too fast as the roads are not quite up to standard. The posted speed limit is 80 kilometers per hour-about 56 mph so you don't make very good time. All of the little villages we passed through have speed bumps so you really have to be aware while driving. They put the speed bumps in so that you know that you are in a village- this is the fiji way. We call the bumps sleeping policeman- a term that Aunt Cindy taught us. I haven't driven yet but will have to start this week. Have 6 months to get a Fijian driver's license. We arrived at the Signatoga(singatoga)branch meeting place which is over a shop and restaurant and it was like being back in the past on my mission. Small but adequate chapel with ceiling fans and open windows. There are no flies or mosquitoes- Quite nice but we are still in the summer and it is very hot and humid. Sister Wettstein directed the music and could finally sing as loud as she wanted. She did say that she will finally have learn how to conduct music. When she was in Conroe as a teenager, there were only 12 members in her tiny branch. When the Insalls moved in, the branch expanded by 5 and they were so happy to have them that they sang 5 extra songs that day. The branch wreaked of diesel fuel and cleaning solvents The place that we were at today was clean and had a breeze on one side. Sister Wettstein taught the Relief Society lesson and then we both had to give the talks as they think that missionaries are some kind of special authorities. Sister Wettstein talked about Sister Crumby in our old Champions ward and I talked about service. Have to keep things simple as there were 30 people there and most not well versed in the gospel. They have a father and son that bless and pass the sacrament(they only had tap water for the sacrament so we donated a bottle of Fiji water so we could keep from getting some kind of diseaseit was an easy sacrifice)), and a branch president that doesn't show up so his counselors have to handle everything. It was really a great day and a great spiritual experience for the both of us. The people don't have much and walk to church as the buses don't run often of sundays or they just can't afford the bus (transport in Fijian)fares. Remind mom to tell you about the story of the doughnuts. We went to visit a family after church and had quite and adventure getting there. We finally stopped and asked 2 different people where the family lived. Each described the house as the one behind the old store without a roof and that they admired the family. We finally got there and talked to the grandmother who said that her prayers had been answered. Her daughter and 2 grandchldren were also there. The grandmother had been active but had a fall and wasn't able to walk for 4 years. One day she prayed to the Lord and she was told to get out of her wheelchair and walk. She has been able to do so but can't climb stairs so hasn't come to church. We gave her a blessing that she would be able to come to church and somehow manage to get up the stairs. She showed us her old temple recommenda that was years out of date- but she still had it. We left by challenging all of them to come and we think that they will try. The house was quite small and humble with chickens in the side yard but they could be a great family in the ward. The people have not been able to go to the temple as they do not have transportation and can't afford the fare. We would like to propose that anyone who would like assist with this effort by donating only $20 which would take 1 person to the temple. This could be a small project for the Wettstein family and any others reading the blog. Any donations could be sent to Wade and he will make them available to me through our account. There are many blessings that will come to you for participating insuch a noble project. Please consider it as the church here has to funding to help these people. It may take 4 to 6 months for the branch to get ready. There are temple apartments here that can house them and we would like to get them here on thursday night or friday and have them stay for saturday. This will be the challenge for the branch so that they can have a great temple experience. The Lord will bless them greatly for the $20. This is our little Christmas Island called Sigatoga. We need to pray for them that can accomplish this great task and get the time off to come. Our tithing is now paid in Magnolia but our other offerings will be paid here. We will pay $25 for fast offerings and save $25 to help the little branch. We have to watch our money carefully as things are expensive here so there isn't much extra. Sometimes are blog postings are difficult to transmit so some are out of order. Please look at all of them. We still can't post pictures and may have to try and email some and them have them posted for us. This little country still doesn't have good internet. Til later, Love Elder and Sister W

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