Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sister Crumby-

When we in the Champions ward in about 1998. I was in a relief society class where we were asket to meet our neighbor on our left and to get to know her. I so did n't want to talk to her. She was sad and so unhappy looking all of the time. And her name was Sr. Crumby and she was from London, England. So our 5 minute get to know you started. First, she said that she wasn't sad. She was just very old. Now I know more about that face changing thing, myself. It seems that she was the illigetement child of a rather medium grade radio actor mother and a very dashing radio star from Australia. [These are her words, not mine.] Really I should tell the time Sr. Crumby lived in, about 1920 or so. The young radio voice was very beautiful and felt she would soon be on to stage work and a child would ruin her chances. So the tiny thing was put into a Catholic orphanage. There she was taught that she was conceived in sin, born into sin, and was the living proof of sin. She was taught to pray for herself daily, but still the real proof could not be changed. She was taught that there was a real word for children like her. And so she learned to pray as she was directed. The few times that her mother did come were so sad. You see she, her Mom, was so beautiful and her child just looked like her , well, father. Sr. Crumby did know that she wasn't pretty. She wasn't blind or stupid! She said that her mother would just look at her and announce " how can this be that you are mine!" Her mother 's fortunes did change and so she paid the "dear sister's" some money and put her into a poor boarding school and left her there. While living in the orphange she learned their creed. Pray to all, expect nothing, and just live to grow up and leave. Her father did come twice a share his paternal thoughts and to announce " my God you do look just like me. Now if only you were a boy. Then I would take you home." Did I say that he came only twice? She finally did leave but, said nothing more about good ol mum. She then met Mr. Crumby and she thought that she was beautiful and reminded him of a queen of old. Thank heaven for the English and their love for their queens. They married and had 2 boys. So what you say. What does that have to with releif society and me, you good ol mum? One day the missionaries came and began to teach the family the gospel, but got no where. You see Sr. Crumby knew all about God . She had been taught well and knew the truth. She had prayed her entire little life and no God had come and saved her. No proper mum or Dad. No family, ever came into her tiny world. She had been kind and proper, and had waited but .... You see, she said " those English missionaries were very tricky, very tricky indeed" and so they began to sing. " I am a child of God ..." And suddenly she knew that every word they had said was true. Her shameful, little life had perpared her well, and she knew that the gospel was true, every word was true. She had come to be with her son a while and soon after our

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