Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mom Dad,
Sorry we haven't been on the blog much, but we did promise that we would put a video of Emma in her walker, so we hope you guys enjoy that. We wanted to thank you for the heart felt talks we had, We now know what we have to do. We are so very grateful for all that you do and we feel blessed everyday knowing you are serving the lord and setting such a great example to us all. Emma is growing more and more everyday, although my sweet darling Emma has now taken her father's traits to all new levels. She is so much like her father, it is unreal. We now call her our wild child, and boy can she scream. Everywhere we go Emma has to have a few yells to let everyone know she is there. Emma has three more teeth coming in besides the 5 she already has, so she's getting some choppers. Emma loves to listen to the radio now, she is starting to bob her head back in forth, it is so cute. She is still in love with Charlie and Lola and we so desperately hope that it continues to stay that way. Her time to watch her show, is our time for a break or do the housework. Cookie dear i am sorry to inform you that the back yard has become a jungle. My dear husband has not had the time to mow the lawn as much as he wants. though he does do the lawn every Monday, so it's not getting totally neglected. I just think it's soo funny. Cookie I have to give you props for stripping your hair and going grey, I have to admit you are all the more brave! Well we are finally enjoying the pool for the summer, took a little while for the pool to warm up, but it has been very nice. Jackie and Edgar came up and spent the night with us and went swimming. I cooked a fabulous dinner and breakfast the next day, that I got Edgar to say he wanted to come over more often, Jackie of course laughed. Well we hope that you are enjoying the mission more and more everyday and hope to hear from you soon. We love you guys ..