Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lots of love Dad

Happy Father's Day!
Hi there Dad.  Dante's favorite thing to ask me before
he goes to bed is, "Mom, tell me a story when you were
little..."  So, I tell him all sorts of stories.  And when I
can't come up with another Amber story,  I tell him stories about his aunts and uncles.
He particularly loves when I throw in stories about his Papi.
On the way home from our river trip today, I was thinking about
some memories I have of you--some of which are great
stories, and some of which simply define who you are as a dad.

I remember how you love to watch cop shows--especially NYPD,
and oh how you can carry on in the car about other drivers, 
I remember the day you were made Bishop
 and watching you walk up to the stand to take your seat...
 I remember our road trips--and you making me run behind
 the car on some lonely highway for my bad attitude! 
I remember my siblings hanging out the windows
 laughing their heads off at their older sister...

I'll never forget how you threw my brothers'
 paper routes and worked with mom every weekend...
Or how about having the family maintain the front of
Bayou Bend...

I smile when I think of you as Elvis, or singing at
girls camp, or dancing on stage in a tutu, 
or telling funny stories of your childhood
 (the kind of stories where you're laughing so hard you can 
barely get the story out)... 

I remember watching you play ball 
and coaching my brothers even when it seemed tough...
 I remember you tenderly taking care of mom
 when she was so sad and I remember how proud you
were when each of your son's returned home from 
serving honarable missions...

 I remember being punished for sneaking out and told
to read the "Miracle of Forgiveness,"... I remember you walking
me across the football field my senior year... I still smell Old Spice
and think of you... I am so happy you were there to cut the
cord on Isabella and take care of my Dante, I miss seeing you
with my children... 

I remember sitting next to my amazing siblings
as you spoke at Grandpa's funeral and knowing how proud you
were that we were there with you... And seeing you leave on
your mission with the full purpose and intent of pleasing
our Heavenly Father makes me love you all the more.

I could fill pages with all sorts of memories but I'll save those
for another time.  Dad I love you.  You make me happy to know
you and even happier to have you as my dad.  You are 
strong and loyal and I adore you.  
Please know we miss you.

Lots of love, am

1 comment:

Aaron and Mandy said...

That was so awesome Amber! I loved it! Dad was the best! The best example ever. We are so blessed to have him in our lives.