Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why I need Mail

Ok folks we do truely love our blog and are the envy of all of the missionary couples, actually we are the gold standard of family blogs. Each couple wants to involve their loved ones but they are to lazy to write their folks much and none have such beautiful photos and grandkids. We took our Galveston book over to the Wells to show them Juel. Sr. Wells has a granddaughter that looks just like Juel - this is quite weird. These two little girls could be twins they resemble each other so much. However, my Juel loves such girly stuff that she wins hands down. Sr. Well asked who took all of the pictures of Galveston and was visibly taken back when we said " Amber." And then she asked are all of those beautiful kids yours? "Yes, I said," "each and everyone." And does Galveston always look like that, sure, I said. Ok, grandmums new rule. After 2 truths you may tell a small to medium wopperrunnie untruth. Glad to pass this on to all of you. And about aussie goods. I bought a cute flowered dress at Suva Days and then washed it. The darn thing shrunk a full 6 inches. Now I will have to send it to Daisy next week. One more washing and it will be just her size!!!! Back to my mail problem. Or the lack of mail problem. Folks the blog is not the only way for you to write us. You may email us or send us a letter. I have had cute sulus made for all of the girls and yes the little ones,too! Mandy has to measure Daisy's waist to the floor and we will be all set. Actually I have the fabric and do need some measurements on each girl. Waist to the floor and waist size. All of the mommie sulus have been made and I am wearing them all un till receive some real pictures, that I can hold in my little and ever shrinking hand. Got that???? Everyone loves Ami's sulu. I told the temple staff that it was Ami's skirt and they couldn't believe it.... that I was wearing it myself. And then sending it used. These folks are just too British-new and unworn??? Of course I will wash it and make sure that it doesn't shrink, or it becomes Ava's. I have washed it twice and it is a dream. Come up with some picks and you can receive it for summer. Understand???? Also I wear grandmum Juel's too, and wow ... it is cute. Amber's and Mandy's are more mini skirt length. So I only wear them out to dinner. Aunt Cindy the dearest woman in the whole wide world and whom we owe mouch mucho from has already receive her sulu. Except I forgot to send instructions!! Minor point. Still she could go jail for her sulu falling off in public. These sulus are copies of mine from Jacks and are closed so you don't show up to your waist to all of your friends when the wind blows or just sitting down. And are suitable for church. I told this story to Sr. Well's and she was a bet dismayed at my standards but thought that it would work. She offered to let me use her sulu as a pattern, but it opened up at the side . I declined. You see a suluis just another name for a wrap around skirt. And the last wrap around skirt I had was when we in a father's day program in Inwood ward. We started to sing "I love father..." you know the song. But not my stupid kids. Amber just mouthed the words and Russ and Aaron tried to hide in my wrap around skirt. Your poor and never in his life time in tune dad, he sang a two verse solo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were in the car with the Wells and they just erupted in laughter. And then to make it worse, I just couldn't sing at all . I was holding on for my life and my modesty, Izzy. The stake president came up after we were properly humiliated, and said he just loved it. The same thing had happened to him in California with his kids. Only she was not wearing wrap around skirt. Folks dad is still unhappy [?] to say the least and hates the ol' I love Daddy song to this day. Just like Uncle Frank hates, called to serve, because they had to sing it at the MTC when Allen left. I told him that will wear off the more boys you send on missions. Ol' Frank not one to let a small thing pass by just gave me that look and said " you see Aunt Cookie I have still love my sons at that age." Just because we so glad to get rid of Russ and Aaron we could have paid even more money to be rid of them for two years. We prayed for three year missons, but to no avail. The stake pres. was Pres. Del a Mare. Back to Cindy's problemo... how to tie the sulu. Tie both ends on the left hip, and don't worry it is supposed to come up and be shorter on that side. Tie it firmly and then pull the knot to the inside of you left side,. You want the knot to be not on your hip but just 3-4 inches to the side iof your hip. Also I must sent you a coconut side tie. I have to go out and find them. Mine came with my sulu. They take the coconut and make flower cut in the coconut with two large holes. You put the two side of the sulu in the holes and it will look cute and will hold the knot firmly.

Before I forget we did do another family program just after we had the twins. We had them in their death trap baby carriers and pretended to ask them questions. Only they never did answer. Wonder why? So then we would ask tinny Amber the same question. Only she was in the terrible twos and only answer no.!! Do you smoke cigarettes? NO! Do you drink coffee, NO!! She would stamp her little feet and toss her hair to the side and yell, NO NO NO. We were the envy of they ward they thought Amber was brilliant, she was too. Never in the church's history was there anything worse than family programs, "quote, B.R. Wettstein.

So if you want sorta new and guaranteed cute sulus--just pony up the picks. These are necessary for your summer wardrobes. I need real pictures. Understand. And also a few other small things. I will bother the Arizona group for these items. Bula Vinaka Ya'll MUM Our mailing address is: PO Box 90, Suva, FIJI and email is byron_wettstein@yahoo.com

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