Sunday, February 17, 2008

Russ and Mich Wettstein...and gang. it's pretty obvious who the worst bloggers are. This is way out of my comfort zone and so I'm very proud of myself for figuring this one out on my own. Sorry it's taken so long for us to write. Our latest has been a bit like Aaron & Mandy's last week. Bouts of strep and other lovely viruses; potty training (which is still something I gross out over even with my 3rd child. But I am happy to say that we have officially been out of pull ups and without accidents for about 3 weeks now. Yippee!); major spring cleaning...including new paint in and out, staining of front door, carpet cleaning, etc. Amid all this, I continue to get larger in the abdominal region, much to my dismay. I don't know if I'll completely accept this pregnancy until sweet little Sophie is out of my tummy and into our arms. We are all getting increasingly excited about the little girl...yes even Max. It turns out that Max can be bought off (I told him I'd buy him a desk in exchange for a brother. Kind of frightening that that worked). And I'm thrilled that we have a room suited and ready for a girl to move right into. Looks like Max will be getting his own room and a new bed and Jane and Ava will share the queen bed in Jane's room. Ava is thrilled about the new living situation. She is regularly getting into Jane's big girl desk and whosits as it is and so I think that she believes that she will have full rights to the scissors and markers and other dangers that I am constantly confiscating from her these days. (One funny story concerning such matters is when I found her at the top of the stairs crying and holding Jane's craft scissors in her hand. She had cut the shirt that she was wearing right off from her little body and knew that she was about to get seriously busted. I don't know if she didn't like the shirt or just got tired of wearing it, there is no knowing with A. She is our adorable little manace.) Jane is growing into a young lady quicker than I can tolerate it. She continues to be our sweet and helpful oldest...which traits I'm relying on big time this summer when Sophie arrives. Max too is growing into a sweet little boy. I can hardly believe he'll be 7 next month. He's such a smart little buggar and is already reading at next years level. We're very proud of him for applying himself amid all the social time he gets at school with "his boys". Russ continues to deal with me and my grumpiness. I love him for that. We're busy as ever with work and school and of course play. We love you very much and are impressed with the patience your displaying while awaiting your departure to Fiji. It will come before you know it. Enjoy some of that California weather for me. It's so beautiful!! Ava asks for you regularly and is always excited to see Papa's truck in the driveway. You'd think that after a week she would figure out that you will not be waiting for us inside when we enter the kitchen. Thank you for the lovely postcards. The kids were thrilled to receive them. Much love and we'll do this more often now that we've figured it out.

Michelle (and fam)

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