Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sometime in March Kobe told me "he wasn't getting him a wife".  Well, it turns out he wants a ferrari instead.  That conversation was hilarious and since then Kobe has asked lots of questions about how you find a wife and is still sure he does not want one, but he now knows you find one while in college.  Well, fast forward and this past Sunday I was trying to get a little late morning shut eye and he kept coming in and waking me up.  After a few times I find him there again going Mom...Mom...Mom...etc.  I say "What!"  He responds with "Can I get a mini fridge?".  I was like "What?" He says, "You know...a mini fridge with lots of sprite in it!"  OK - This kid is 5 and is waking me up to ask for a flippin' mini fridge.  I of course say no and he asks when he can get one, so I tell him when he goes to college.  I could actually see the light bulb go off in his head right before he says, "OH! Since I'm not getting me a wife, I will just use that money to buy a mini fridge!  YES!"  Then he runs off yelping woohoo!  He is too funny.  Yes, we did eventually tell him that you don't actually have to "buy" a wife in college, but he's still going for the ferrari and mini fridge.  I just get such a kick out of being this little guy's Mom. (This picture is of him camping with his Dad earlier this year)

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