Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our first Foray into pet ownership...

Kobe got 2 sulcata tortoises for Christmas.  He has been asking for these for awhile and since dogs and cats are out of the question due to severe allergies, this was his next best option.  He named the big one Bob, and I helped out in naming the little one Yurtle (any Dr. Suess fans?).  These are desert tortoises that will eventually grow to 150+ pounds and roam our backyard as ginormous animals.  Funny, huh.  For now they live in Kobe's room and play with us when we are in the backyard.  Once, summer hits, they will live outside.

This is Bob

This is the kiddos hard at work digging a grave for poor little Bob.  Apparently he was already in renal failure when I got him, and there was nothing we could do, although we did try everything.  I took him to the vet, and the only choice was to end his suffering.  It was very sad, but on the bright side, Yurtle is healthy and thriving.

Kobe made a headstone for him and the service was just beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sad :(((