Monday, March 3, 2008

Hi from the Blake Wettsteins!

We are very glad to finally hear that you are safely installed in Fiji! When you can find the time, I am DYING to hear a description of the island from your view point (Byron, you may need to surrender the computer over to Cookie for that purpose). Unlike our unfortunate AZ neighbors, we are free of illness... but not water issues :) Our predicament does not compare with Mandy's - not even close, but there is a leak of some sort originating in my sister's bathroom (remember how we just thought she was a very smelly individual? Turns out that the suspicion regarding her hygiene was incorrect- it is mold from the leak). We are looking into it.

It is Asher's b-day today, but we celebrated just a bit yesterday. We were going to my mom's anyway for Sunday dinner and I was assigned dessert, so I made a cake. My poor, deprived children - Blake and I are not much for birthday parties, as you know. We ventured to the zoo and had a blast (see photos).

Asher is just as handsome as ever - I call him El Diablo Guapo (there is probably no linguistic correctness in the name I have dubbed him, but it makes sense to me). The strategic way in which he taunts and and torments his sister leads me to believe that he is much more clever than I even know.

Juel is so into her ensemble it is crazy (she changes hourly and it must be a dress or skirt or dance outfit of some kind- see photo). She is apple of her father's eye and they are the most adorable pair I have ever seen. They have a very profound connection which intrigues me (probably because my dad was the strong, silent type in the relationships with his kids). Juel is very much into cooking with her daddy and calls herself "little chef" (Ratatouille). We had to discuss with her yesterday that we don't belch in church, because she lets them rip and it is utterly humiliating. She gave herself her first haircut the other day (lucky for her, her curls disguise the missing locks fluidly).

Blake is busy with school, work, institute, and teaching gospel doctrine. I can't even TELL you how many compliments I have received in regards to his gift for teaching. People ask if he is a professional teacher and tell me that they were very disappointed when they received a calling which did not allow them to attend his class get the picture. That is one of the reasons I fell in love with him, though. I attended his institute class when we were newly dating and was flabbergasted at how someone his age, first of all, volunteered to teach, and had such an intense passion, eloquence, and knowledge about the scriptures. I do find myself jealous of all the time he spends online for school and his news obsession. I spitefully refer to his laptop as Karen- his computer wife (Spongebob). Anywho - he is hot and well.

I have recently rediscovered a long sleeping passion of mine - reading. I was complaining to my mom that my children are not happy unless I am on the floor, with them, and that I am not able to do anything without them constantly clamoring for my attention. She suggested that I read a book on the floor with them while they play and they will feel like I am still paying them adequate attention. All I have in my library are classics (my faves) and I retorted that I need to read those in solitude so I can allow myself to be absorbed in the flowery language of the English or French 1800's, or whatever the case may be. She suggested that I read the Twilight series, an idea which I dismissed the moment it escaped her lips. The series was the obsession of every LDS housewife I knew, and I was not going to read a trendy book like that. Desperation conquered and I read all three books in a week. Not exactly my style, but the storyline was engaging enough to keep me from clock-watching and the kids excepted my divided attention as long as I could fool them every five minutes or so with some sort of interaction. I just completed The Monk by Matthew Lewis - a gothic novel published in the 1700's. It is too crude in parts, but the man is brilliant and at 19 yrs. old had a ridiculously accurate grasp on how the devil slowly but surely gets his way if we allow it. It was riveting, for anyone who is interested.

Anyway, please keep us updated. Blake has been checking his email obsessively looking for some word on your progress. He is SO very proud of his missionary parents, as we all are.

Love always, Ami

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