Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Drama Queen Turns 1

Well my little drama queen is officially a year old. I canno't believe how this year has flown by and my precious princess has grown soo much. At the moment Emma is still fascinated with "Charlie & Lola" In the morning our alarm is Emma babeling with her high pitch voice" Dadeeee come save me" or so wade likes to think she is saying. He rescues her from her Crib Dungeon, changes her diaper, makes her some milk and graciously holds her while watching an episode of Charlie & Lola. I love it!! As you know Emma is still army crawling, but she is as fiesty as ever, and yes Nana she has remained on the floor. Still in fact that she has found the dogs water bowl and food to be quite exhilarating. We are getting used to living here more and more everyday, so used to it, that it feels so surreal to be in a home with such a wonderful family. Harry and potter are doing just fine, minus the pooping and peeing every once and awhile. Though you might be quite proud cookie, I finally took out "The Shoe" and showed them who's BOSS!! Harry is now following me everywhere, I'd like to think it's because he wants to protect me, but somehow deep down, I know he's just a ladies man. Well we hope you are enjoying the good weather, in Cali and just know we love and miss you guys. So since you guys couldn't be here to celebrate Emma's Big Day, we wanted to share some pics of her and the "Big Moment" with her cake. Oh and hope you guys get to Fiji.

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